Title Insulation Performance Evaluation of Metal-Exterior Curtain Wall Panel Systems for Reducing Thermal Bridges through Mock-up Test in Winter
Authors Song, Jin-Hee ; Lim, Jae-Han ; Song, Seung-Yeong
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2015.31.10.119
Page pp.119-130
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords Thermal Bridges ; Insulation Performance ; Metal-Exterior Curtain Wall ; Panel System ; Mock-up Test
Abstract A building envelope has various thermal bridges such as construction junctions, joints for connecting building elements, and fixing units These thermal bridges cause additional heat loss, so the overall insulation performance of the building envelope may decrease Especially, thermal bridges in the metal-exterior curtain wall panel system significantly influence on the insulation performance according to existing researches Therefore, thermal bridges should be reduced in order to ensure a high insulation performance The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the overall insulation performance of the existing metal-exterior curtain wall panel system and its alternative for reducing thermal bridges by the mock-up test in winter Infrared thermal images were taken, and internal and external surface temperatures, temperature differences between center and thermal bridge parts, and air temperatures of cavities were measured and analyzed As results, the heat loss through thermal bridges was significantly reduced in the alternative