Title Analysis of the Morphological Formation Processes of Late Choseon's Naju Eup-seoung
Authors Lee, Kyung-Chan
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2015.31.10.143
Page pp.143-152
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords Naju Eup-seong ; Naju in Korea Dynasty ; Town plan ; Urban form ; Urban structure ; Route System
Abstract This paper aims to interpret the morphological formation processes of Naju eup-seoung during the Goryeo and Joseon periods Based on the analysis of historical records, old & topographical map and first land registration map, the morphological period of Naju can be divided in four; formation of eup-seong and T-based main route system in Korea, partial reconstruction and expansion of Korea eup-seong in early Joseon Dynasty, reconstruction and expansion of eup-seong including Naju river in middle Joseon Dynasty, large expansion of eup-seong in late Joseon Dynasty Main factors of the transformation of town plan and eup-seong is reorganization of administrative facilities, residential population growth, flood disaster management and restoration of war damage, reinforcement of defensive demand of eup-seong Especially, in the process of reconstruction and expansion of eup-seong, the route system based on functional aspect was transformed to route system with formality based on the town planning principle of Joseon In this process the route system connecting 4 gates of eup-seong and Gaeksa(錦城 館) and administrative center(衙舍) had formed irregular pattern