Title An Analysis of Acceptance Intention of Architecture and Urban Area Convergence Education using Technical Acceptance Model(TAM)
Authors Shin, Sang-Woo ; Kim, Jae-Jun ; Yuh, Ok-Kyung
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2015.31.12.71
Page pp.71-78
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords Technical Acceptance Model ; Structural Equation Modeling ; Convergence Education ; Acceptance-Intention ; Architecture and Urban Area
Abstract The purpose of this study is to analyze the acceptance intention of education for effective convergence of education trainees using technical acceptance model(TAM) and Structural Equation Modeling Approach(SEM). The order of study was set research model and studies were conducted a study to verify that research model fit. Through previous research, Innovativeness of the respondents, subjective norms of the respondents, the perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and the convergence of education also accommodate five factors were derived and it was set according to the TAM seven hypotheses. This study was conducted a survey of the Cyber ??University Students. The survey was composed of five factors and twenty detail factors. A total of 244 parts of the survey results were derived through. The results of this study is as follows; Education subjective norm, level of Acceptance-intention, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness are identified as affecting. As a result, the Architecture and Urban area convergence education it is important to show the orientation to be useful in a commercial environment. The result is indicating that the need to focus on any part of the Architecture and Urban area convergence educational opportunities.