Title Determining Core Journals in Architecture and Urban Studies using Network Analysis
Authors Kim, Seung-Nam
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2015.31.12.99
Page pp.99-110
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords Architecture and Urban Studies ; Core Journals ; Social Network Analysis ; Impact Factor ; Korea Citation Index
Abstract This study aims to explore core journals in the field of Architecture and Urban Studies (AUS). This study analyzes 537,556 citation data of 2,075 KCI journals using social network analysis approach. First, using a visualization method, 50 journals are selected as an AUS journal. Second, three journals are determined as core journals of each sub-field using a network centrality analysis: Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea - Planning & Design (architecture); Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea - Structure & Construction (architectural engineering); and Journal of the Korea Planners Association (urban studies). These results can be used by researchers, professors, and planners who want to review research trends of AUS. Moreover, Architecture and Urban Research Information Center (AURIC) improves their service boundaries based on the results.