Title A Study on the Concept of Structure/Skin/Space in the Architecture of Ito Toyo
Authors Chang, Yong-Soon
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2015.31.12.111
Page pp.111-120
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords Structure ; Skin ; Space ; Hollow column ; Organism ; Grid ; Fractal
Abstract In the modern architecture represented by Le Corbusier and Mies van der Rohe, structure, skin and space are separated. In contrast with this autonomy and independence of the modern architecture, the concept of 'hollow column' and 'poche' of Louis Kahn includes space inside of structure, and makes direct relation of structure and space. Ito Toyo, after Sendai mediatheque(2000), begins organicist experiment. This experiment is related to metabolism movement, in which his teacher, Kiyonori Kikutake, has participated, but is differentiated from as this movement as well others contemporary japanese architecture such as Sou Fujimoto and SANAA. This difference and meaning can be found by reading his experiments in the relation of structure/skin/space. In contrast to modern architecture in which structure and skin are autonome each other, in his project structure is not distinguished from skin, and structure disperses in the space. The purpose of this study is to investigate this relation in the history of architecture, and to find the position and the meaning of his recent architectural experiments.