Title A Chronological Study of Experiencing the Spacetime of Art Museums
Authors Park, Mi Ye
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2015.31.12.121
Page pp.121-130
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords Representational Space-Time ; Transcendental Space-Time ; Literal/Phenomenal Space-Time ; Changes of Artworks ; Changes of Art Museums ; Position of Viewers
Abstract The purpose of this study is to understand the emergence of the site-specific art museum in the late 20th century in terms of the relations of the art museum to artworks and viewers. We consider three chronological periods: pre-20th century, early 20th century, and the post-modern era after 1960s, in which the notions of representational, transcendental, and literal/phenomenal space-times were developed, respectively. In the first two periods, the meaning of an artwork was inherently conveyed by narratives which created illusions but in the last period, the physical presence of an artwork and its temporal extension in the real were emphasized without delivering any narrative. Because the literal/phenomenal artwork focused on the viewer's corporal experience of the artwork and its surrounding, site contexts in an art museum became important. In addition, the viewer was regarded as an individual with tactile senses and personal memories, not as a universal human being having only rational eyes.