Title A Study on Complex Design Strategy According to the Mission of Urban Botanical Garden and Arboretum - Focused on Magok Central Park -
Authors Park, Hoon
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2015.31.12.153
Page pp.153-164
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords Arboretum ; Botanic Garden ; complex design strategy ; Vision ; Mission ; planning
Abstract Historically, a botanical garden and an arboretum began at a very practical level in which they were used to grow and cultivate decorative and edible plants, including herbs, sharing their history with that of mankind. That is, a botanical garden and an arboretum, which trace their origin to private space of men, gradually expanded to assume more public characteristics, which were manifested more specifically as facility, space planning and programs that seek education, exhibition, preservation and collection, the primary goals of a botanical garden. In particular, through the examples in the West that boast traditional botanical gardens, their characteristics could be discovered in the direction they seek and the relationship of their planning. The conclusions derived from this study are as follows. First, a complex plan requiring special functions must specify spatial planning based on the facilities and the significance of the plan, which is also based on the spatial and environmental characteristics on the specific location. Second, urban parks that have a role in providing a resting area for citizens in a modern society are usually developed from botanical gardens that were used as private gardens, which were transformed into public spaces. Therefore they are specified as strategies to reinforce the relationship amongst communities, in addition to their original functions of collection, exhibitions, research, education and conservation. Thirdly, they are significant as urban botanical gardens. They put importance on the relationship, healing and relaxation, education, and exhibition in accordance with the characteristics of the location. These characteristics are strengthened by focusing on major construction facilities in addition to gardening space, and embodied through various programs.