Title A Basic Study on the District Unit of Gaegyeong in Latter Goryeo Period
Authors Woo, Seong-Hoon
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2016.32.1.107
Page pp.107-116
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords Goryeo Dynasty ; Gaegyeong ; Urban History ; Dong ; Urban Space
Abstract This paper is basic analyzes on the aspects of urban development of Gagyeong, the capital of Goryeo dynasty, through the analysis of Dong (洞) which is a functional area in the late 13th century. Gagyeong in Goryeo dynasty was composed with 5 Bu(部), 35 Bang(坊) and 344 Li(里). This division was based on the geographical conditions such as topography or rivers around. In the meantime, a residential district unit called Dong had existed. Dong, the smaller unit than Li, was not an administrative district, but the least residential area that could be seized through the historical records. In the 13th century, the name of Dong, which explained the specific function, had appeared. Yeomjeom-Dong(?店洞) is one of the examples that thousand of houses were bunt. Yeomjeom-Dong was highly integrated urban space, resulted in by the development of commerce in latter Goryeo dynasty and functionally differentiated regarding to its commercial faculty, merchandising and circulation of salt.