Title Correlation between Nano-indentation Analysis on Surface Hardness and KS Tensile Strength after Deterioration of Exposed Type Waterproofing Material for Improvement of Evaluation Method
Authors Kim, Meong-Ji ; Oh, Sang-Keun
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_SC.2016.32.1.45
Page pp.45-54
ISSN 1226-9107
Keywords Exposed Type Urethan ; Waterproofing Film ; Deterioration Performance Evaluation ; Nanoindentation
Abstract This study analyzes two different physical performance evaluation methods of exposed urethane film type waterproofing material after chemically induced deterioration. For the purpose of enhancing the conventional performance evaluation methods of chemical resistance properties of exposed urethane waterproofing film after chemically induced deterioration processing, this study proposes a tentative study to compare the tensile strength value of the materials and the material hardness value obtained from the nano-indentation analysis method to find a relativity between the two sets of data for a more accurate determination of the chemical resistance performance of the materials. A combined data format composed of surface property analysis and tensile strength performance and hardness value of exposed urethane waterproofing film materials obtained through various physical property testing methods will be used to produce a single relative equation for the purposed of improving the future studies on durability and performance testing methods on exposed urethane waterproofing film materials.