Title |
A Study on the Characteristics and Meaning of Kyobuk-dong Ganpyon-Jutaek by Jutaekgujehoe in Japanese Colonial Period |
http://dx.doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2016.32.2.103 |
Keywords |
Japanese Colonial Period ; Jutaekgujehoe ; Kyobuk-dong Ganpyon-Jutaek ; Jaedanbupin Borinhoe |
Abstract |
Since 1920 in Japanese colonial period, the population of the city was rapidly increased so housing shortage leads to serious social problem. Jutaekgujehoe was established in 1921 to reduce housing shortage for poor Korean. The aim of this paper is to find out characteristics and meaning of Kyobuk-dong Ganpyon-Jutaek by Jutaekgujehoe. Japanese colonial period record, newspaper and literature were the methods for the following findings. Activities of Jutaekgujehoe were to provide public housing for poor Korean for the first time and it was influenced to construction and enlargement of Buyong-Jutaek by Kyongsung-bu in 1920'. Kyobuk-dong Ganpyon-Jutaek was not only Korean hangrang style but also kind of social housing for worker. Difference of Buyong-Jutaek was community organization and facilities for resident and it makes spirit of independence. Only Kyobuk-dong Ganpyon-Jutaek and Ahyun-dong Gubin-Jutaek are constructed by Jutaekgujehoe but it was tried to improve quality of life for Korean in Japanese colonial period. |