Title Analysis of Space Preference for Long-life Housing Based on the Characteristics of Residents
Authors Choi, Jung-Min ; Kang, Soon-Joo ; Kim, Yu-Na ; Kim, Soo-Am
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2016.32.4.21
Page pp.21-32
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords Long-life Housing ; Skeleton-Infill Housing ; Preference for Space Layout ; Resident’s Profile ; Life-style
Abstract This study is the in-depth statistical analysis of the survey results conducted to the residents in Yongin Guseong Raemian apartment to find out the space preference based on the characteristics of the residents. For the study, this paper investigated the trends and characteristics of the flexible space planning through literature review and drew 5 types of flexible space planning elements from in-depth interview coupled with questionnaire survey. The main findings are as follows. First, the respondents showed their preferred living style depending on their age and size of apartment unit. Their main life style was classified into two groups such as “practical style focusing on family” and “hybrid type of conservative and active style”. Second, the analysis of the preference in the layout of rooms using Multidimensional Scaling showed that deployment of spaces in the apartment unit was clearly outlined by the horizontal axis of “public and private uses” and vertical axis of “direction”. This preference for the layout of spaces was the same regardless of the characteristics of residents, which indicates that the layout of the rooms is predominantly affected by these two axes. Third, the evaluation of flexibility for spaces in a unit using standard deviation shows that the ‘dress room’ has the highest standard deviation in the flexibility followed by the storage space, and children’s rooms and that the common bathroom has the lowest standard deviation followed by the bathroom for husband and wife. At the same time, the investigation shows that the younger female residents demand for those spaces having the high standard deviation, which presents that the flexible infill is more recommended for them.