Title The Effects of Land-use Characteristics on Trip Patterns by Trip Modes and Purposes - Focused on Seoul Metropolitan Administrative Division -
Authors Min, Byunghak ; Lee, Gunwon ; Kim, Seiyong
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2016.32.4.77
Page pp.77-87
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords Land-use Characteristics ; Density ; Diversity ; Accessibility ; Trip Patterns
Abstract This study empirically analyzes the effect factors of each land use characteristic-density, diversity and accessibility-on inflow travel which is classified by two properties of trip, trip purpose and travel mode, in Seoul Metropolitan area. For the analysis, precedent studies related to land use and trip are reviewed, and a research hypothesis is set from the review. Land use characteristics are divided into three properties which is density, diversity and accessibility and twelve independent variables are included in them. Trips are classified as five different trip patterns by properties of trip which are trip purpose and travel mode, and models for analyzing are built for each pattern. The sample size is 283,093 trips which inflow into Seoul. Analysis of effects of land use characteristics on each trip pattern is performed by using regression analysis. According to the analysis results, it is necessary to plan and carry out public policy projects by considering land-use characteristics of regions, and it is able to enhance walkability and trips on transit by increasing in global integration of Seoul.