Title Penetration Strategy for Domestic Construction Companies Into Indonesian Construction Market
Authors Kim, Hwa-Rang ; Ock, Jong-Ho ; Jang, Hyoun-Seung
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_SC.2016.32.4.11
Page pp.11-22
ISSN 1226-9107
Keywords Indonesia ; SWOT Analysis ; Construction Market ; Advancement Strategy
Abstract The study used the SWOT model to establish strategies for a Korean construction firm to enter the Indonesia construction market and performed literature review, interview survey and official statistics survey to find out internal environmental factors of the firm and local factors. With strength, weakness, opportunity and threats produced, it generated a total of 10 strategies; three from each of SO(Strengths-Opportunities), ST(Strengths-Threats) and two from each of WO(Weaknesses-Opportunities), WT(Weaknesses-Threats) It is considered that the study result can be utilized as basic data in the process to build the strategy for Korean construction firms to penetrate into the construction market in Indonesia