Title An Analysis Study on the Propriety of Electricity Contracts Regarding Electricity Consumption Characteristics by types of Small Retail Shop in Seoul
Authors Lee, Eung-Shin ; Kim, Hyun-Ah ; Lee, Myoung-Ju
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2016.32.6.89
Page pp.89-96
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords Small retail shop ; Retail store Classification ; Energy Consumption ; Electricity Consumption ; Contract electric power
Abstract This study evaluates the data of energy consumption pertained by Seoul's energy engineers, whom visited 1,919 small businesses in Seoul. Categorizing the businesses into a total of 20 types based on the 9th Korea Standard Industrial Classification System, the amount of electricity consumed by each type of business was compared to their signed electricity contracts in evaluating its propriety. The majority of small businesses in Seoul operate upon a 5kW electricity contract. Comparing the set monthly maximum amount to the actual amount of electricity used, about 25% of such businesses were found to be either assigned to a higher maximum amount than necessary or charged to pay overages by exceeding the amount set by the contract. Such businesses that currently exceed or shortfall the arranged amount should switch to a proper contract through determining the proper amount of electricity needed to reduce both cost and energy usage. As the different types of businesses show different characteristics in energy consumption, it will be necessary to provide an adequate measure or standard accordingly. Although the results of this study may include errors as its data accumulated during the past three years are specifically based upon electricity contracts, continued research of electricity consumption through case studies will allow for determining our present condition in electricity consumption for various architectural criteria.