Title Interpreting Open Spaces of a Car-free Apartment Complex through Children’s Outdoor Activities - A Case Study based on Lower Grade Elementary Students' GPS data in Jamsil Redevelopment Site -
Authors Park, Jin-Hee ; Park, Hyun-Jin ; Park, So-Hyun
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2016.32.9.109
Page pp.109-120
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords Children ; Outdoor Activity ; Car-free Apartment Complex ; Open Space ; GPS data ; Jamsil
Abstract The primary goal of this study is to derive implications for planning child-friendly apartment complexes through the analysis of GPS data of the children's outdoor activities within an car-free apartment complex. The analysis was conducted by the following process: First, GPS data of first-through-third grade elementary school students who reside in an apartment complex in the Jamsil area of Seoul. Second, the collected data was processed to illustrate the activity-density of open spaces. Third, the spatial characteristics and use-behavior of high and medium-density areas were analyzed. Fourth, open spaces within the apartment complex were categorized into the four following types of spaces: pedestrian, neighborhood park, landscape and play/exercise. The results of the above process indicate efficient implications of complex planning based on the effectiveness of the open space planning and its correlation to children's current activity within the mentioned four types of spaces. This study is significant because it is an examination of open space of a new typology of car-free apartment complexes based on the empirical data of children’s outdoor activities. The results of this study are expected to be the foundation of a more efficient apartment complex planning process for future apartment developments, in an effort to facilitate increased outdoor activity of children and promote the health and proper development of the youth.