Title Consciousness on the Soundscape of Conventional Markets as a Cultural Place Embracing the Life of Common People
Authors Park, Hyeon-Ku ; Han, Myung-Ho
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2016.32.9.129
Page pp.129-140
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords Conventional Market ; Sound Environment ; Soundscape ; Sound Culture
Abstract This study intends to analyze the cognition and the characteristics of soundscape in the conventional market, which is a public and a cultural place where there are joys and sorrows of the common people and their lives. Surveys both in the conventional markets and in a major supermarket were carried out targeting street vendors to catch the cognition and the characteristics of its soundscape. In addition, an observing survey was performed focused on one of the objective conventional markets to understand the composition of sound environment. As results, four factors are deeply involved in the impression factor of sound environment such as pleasure, vitality, stability, and warmth for both conventional market and major supermarket. Vendors of the major supermarket evaluate the impression as a pleasant, vibrant, and stable impression. Vendors of the conventional market, however, highly appreciate the fact that it is friendly. From the result of satisfaction for the sound environment, the order of importance was pleasure, vitality, stability, and warmth. The conditions related to the sound environmental resources for the conventional market were appeared that the sounds by brawl and cars/horns are perceived negatively, while the haggling sound was recognized positively. The result that people think living with warmth as an important factor shows a section of common people’s life.