Title A Study on the Utilize Instant space of the Idle space - Focusing on the No.3 Line of the City Railway in Daegu -
Authors Jung, Sung-Hee ; Choi, Hee-Rang ; Kim, Young-Hwa ; Lee, Sang-Hong
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2016.32.10.15
Page pp.15-24
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords Instant space ; idle space ; No.3 line of the City Railway in Daegu ; landscape improvement project
Abstract For the purpose the opening of the No. 3 line of the City Railway in Dae-gu is upcoming as planned in April, 2015.The existence of the idle space created by the number 3 line cannot be ignored, and the ways to use it have been the plans to merely improve landscape. At this stage, this paper aims at helping understand the conceptual characteristics of the instant space that is flexible and situational reflecting the rapidly changing phases of the times of modern society, inducing individuals' actions in the idle space of the No. 3 line that is not performing its functions properly, offering the instant space as the field for proposing the ways to infuse a boost into the city.