Title Comparison of Condensation Resistance Performance of Joints of Windows and Walls According to Analysis Methods
Authors Yoo, Dong-Chul ; Jang, Hyang-In ; Park, Chang-Young ; Lee, Jeong-Keun ; Choi, Chang-Ho
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2016.32.10.95
Page pp.95-103
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords Performances of condensation resistance ; Joints of windows and walls ; Analysis standards ; Therm ; Physibel
Abstract The purpose of this paper is to compare calculation results of performances of condensation resistance of joints of windows and walls according to analysis standards, simulation programs, and modeling methods and also analyze the causes. Domestic and relevant foreign criteria were reviewed, and Heat transfer simulation was conducted targeting double and triple glass windows. Also, an improved modeling plan was proposed comparing performance of condensation Resistance depending on the modeling approach. The analysis results, from different calculation methods of effective thermal conductivity of cavity spaces showed significant differences in accordance with the analysis standards. It appeared that automatic calculation of effective thermal conductivity by ISO 15099 was impossible using Physibel Bisco. Therefore, an improved and simplified modeling method using respective heat transmission coefficients for window panes and frames was proposed. It was confirmed that compared to the simple modeling, the improved modeling method decreased errors of surface temperature on joints of windows and walls by up to 10% and compared to the detail modeling, all modeling cases were within 10% or less.