Title Demand of Residential Modification in accordance with Level of Mobility Disability and Difficulty of Performing Daily Activities of the Elderly in Housing
Authors Kwon, Oh-Jung ; Kim, Jinyoung ; Lee, Ok-Kyung
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2016.32.12.109
Page pp.109-117
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords Mobility Disability ; Performance of Daily Activity ; Residential Modification ; The Elderly ; Demand of Residential Modification
Abstract The purpose of this study was to examine elderly people's mobility disability and difficulty in performing daily activities in their house and investigate the demand of their residential modification. To attain the goal, the researchers of this study developed a study tool and conducted preliminary investigation. For a month from May 16 till June 15, 2016, a face to face interview survey was conducted to the elderly over 65 residing in Seoul or the capital area. Finally, 301 persons' data were collected, and SPSS was employed for analysis. The results of analysis were as follows: First, the level of difficulty for the elderly to carry out in housing was at the level below average. However, it was analyzed that there were significant difficulties in the sleeping, laundering, getting out of home as well as 'mobility' related questions, such as, going up and down the stairs/steps, in and out of bathtub. Second, the level of demand of residential modification on support for dailyy activities was shown a little higher than the level of difficulties for activity performance. In particular, the demand of residential modification to support activities in bathroom, meal preparation and indoor mobility was high. Third, the demand to modify their homes for supporting their daily activities indicated difference in accordance with the types of mobility disability and difficult levels of performing each activity. In conclusion, this study has drawn four types of residential modifications which explains modification features with higher priority(the basic type, semi-independence mobility support type, preferential support type for each behavior, and the optional type). Therefore, these elements in housing remodeling for each situation require technologies or products for enhancing the field enforceability to be commercialized in the housing remodeling market.