Title A Study on the Relationship Between the Structural plan of Tingtang Type Buildings and Xia-Ang based on Yingzaofashi
Authors Baik, So-Hun
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2017.33.6.49
Page pp.49-56
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords Yingzaofashi ; Tingtang ; Xia-Ang ; Structural plan
Abstract The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between the structural plan of Tingtang type buildings and Xia-Ang based on Yingzaofashi, the official building engineering code book published by the Song government in A.D. 1103. Tingtang is a building type with inner columns, which are higher than facade columns, and Xia-Ang is a down pointing cantilever in the bracket set. Since the era of Song dynasty, Xia-ang began to be used in Bujian-Puzuo, the middle bracket set which is placed between two column brackets. Because Xia-Ang link the purlin on the bracket set and inner purlin in a Tingtang type building, the layout of bracket sets and inner purlins were also connected each other. As the result, the center line of a side inner purlin had to match the center line of the Bujian-Puzuo on the front conner span in the ideal conner structure frame model of a Tingtang, but inner purlins and Bujian-Puzuos needed to be moved slightly to the side in the case of tail ends of a front middle Xia-Ang, a side middle Xia-Ang and a corner column Xia-Ang meet at one point, and the replacement of inner purlins brought changes in the building section design. On the other hand this report also found that the rafter and Xia-Ang were almost parallel to each other in the section through the modeling.