Title A Study on the Origin and Transformation of the Entrance Space in the Collective Housing Plan in North Korea
Authors Kim, Su-Young
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2017.33.7.3
Page pp.3-14
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords North Korea Collective Housing ; Apartment ; Entrance Space ; Communal Living Room
Abstract The purpose of this study is to examine the historical aspects of the North Korea's Collective Housing regarding the traditional architecture in the late Chosun and the change from 1945 to present, and to analyze the origin and changes of the entrance space. The entrance space in the North Korea's collective housing came from a narrow and long corridor originating from the Soviet standard housing in the mid 1950s. And 'the entrance space in center' plan was generally used from the 1970s to the mid-1990s. After 2010, the entrance space was reduced to the concept of a corridor and a communal living room was planned. At this time, the communal living room is separated from the kitchen and dining room, securing the independence of the common living room. And a separate route from the entrance to the kitchen was planned. The entrance space in the beginnig originated from the Corridor of the modern standard design of the Soviet Union. However, as the individual heating system continues to exist in the modern apartment buildings, it is planned as an entry space for rational route of kitchens.