Title A Study on the Improvement of the Inmate Cell and Recreation Space in Urban High-Rise Correctional Facilities - Based on the Analysis of Domestic and Overseas Cases -
Authors Lee, Yeon Mee ; Baek, Jin
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2017.33.9.33
Page pp.33-44
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords Urban High-rise Correctional Facility ; Inmate Inhabitation Environment ; Recreation Space ; Correctional Facility Design Manual
Abstract A high-rise correctional facility in an urban area is advantageous, for a couple of reasons: 1) accommodating a large number of inmates on a limited land; 2) enabling safe and convenient escort of inmates to and fro court trials; and 3) easing the inmates from feeling isolated from the society. For these reasons, the construction of the high-rise correctional facility is expected to increase in the future. The urban high-rise correctional facility, however, could be innately stigmatized with insufficient recreational outdoor areas and uninhabitable cell units for the lack of natural light and views, causing potentially infringement of basic human rights for the inmates. Accordingly, this study aims to establish the planning criteria for inhabitable high-rise correctional facilities by analyzing domestic and international cases from the perspective of the cell environment and the recreational space. This study thus seeks to lay a foundation for the amelioration of design guidelines for the cells and recreational spaces in high-rise correctional facilities.