Title An Analysis on the Meaning of Dwelling of 'Room' in the Latter Part House Projects of Louis I. Kahn
Authors Oh, Sang-Eun
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2017.33.10.11
Page pp.11-18
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords ‘room’ ; dwelling ; nature of space ; structure ; relativeness ; twin phenomenon ; availability
Abstract The purpose of this study is to analyze on the meaning of dwelling in ‘Room’ of Louis I. Kahn’s Architecture. ‘Room’ is generated by a realization of the nature of space. Nature of all kinds of an institution is in human’s dwell. The characteristics of dwelling analyzed from the ‘Room’ sketch, printed 1971 and his words unfold the senses of dwelling, which is the authenticity of architecture. These features are also linked analyzed with Louis I. Kahn’s three house projects, Esherick House, Fisher House, and Korman House. The phenomenal way acts this study. ‘Room’s is generated showing three characteristics, which are relational relativeness by territory between room and society of rooms, twin phenomena of inside and outside, and availability expressing of one's self.