Title A Design Methodology for the Temporary Isolation Room Based on the MERS-Cov Infection Control Guideline - In Case of Temporary Negative Pressure Isolation Room Using Shipping Container -
Authors Lee, Sang-Hyun ; Lee, Jin-Woo
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2017.33.12.19
Page pp.19-28
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords MERS-Cov ; Negative Pressure Room ; Shipping Container ; CFD(Computational Fluid Dynamics) ; Modular
Abstract The purpose of this study is to propose a design methodology to build temporary isolation rooms when infectious diseases suddenly occur in a certain region, such as the case of MERS-Cov in South Korea in 2015. Although most big hospitals usually have isolation rooms, they are expensive and dangerous to run such facilities on normal and typical days. To deal with these problems in this research, shipping containers are chosen as devices used to build the temporary isolation rooms near the original hospital. To do so, firstly, a prototype for the temporary isolation room was designed with the three part modules. The first part is for the medical team; the second part including the isolation rooms is for patients; the third part is for medical selection rooms to test the specimens. Secondly, the plan was compared with the MERS-Cov infection control guidelines. Finally this prototype is applied into the Yong-in Yon-sei severance hospital and then evaluated through a CFD simulation using STAR-CCM+(ver.9.06) for checking infectious bacterium movement in this prototype. The result showed that the prototype is effectively safe for patients tested as negative, patients waiting to be tested, and the medical team.