Title A Study on the Characteristic of Public Space Management based on Surrounding Land Use - Focused on the 61 Pedestrian Plazas generated by the NYC Plaza Program -
Authors Lee, Woon-Yong ; Lee, Jung-Hyung ; Kim, Jung Kook
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2018.34.1.95
Page pp.95-102
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords Public Spaces ; Plazas ; Use ; Management ; Private Organization ; Fund
Abstract Public spaces in the cities are social and economic resources to maintain sustainable urban revitalization. As an importance of public spaces is getting increased, many cities focus on public space management and introduce their own management system. NYC Plaza Program is one of the public space management systems in USA and it was designed in order to transform underused roads and streets into pedestrian public spaces throughout the New York City. Plaza management system works with private organizations' participation as NYC Department of Transportation empowers selected private organizations to the right of management and assists their efforts. In this study, we focused on how the plazas are managed by private sectors and seek to find out characteristics of types of management methods based on landuse(residential, commercial and openspace) status around plazas. We analyzed 61 plazas that generated by NYC Plaza Program with three major conditions of management system including organization, fund and activities. There are three major findings from the analysis. 1)In most residential surrounded plazas, resident-initiative organizations manage small scaled fund and activities meanwhile public agencies support their management. 2)BID is a dominant tool in the commercial surrounded plazas. BID provides with secured fund, mid-sized activities and a broad network with commercial facilities. 3)Openspace-surrounded types are usually using supports of exiting organizations and fund system.