Title Study on the Limit Slenderness of a Double Outrigger System
Authors Yang, Jae-Kwang ; Kang, Ho-Geun ; Park, Sung-soo
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_SC.2018.34.3.11
Page pp.11-18
ISSN 1226-9107
Keywords Outrigger ; High rise ; Optimum Location ; Slenderness Ratio
Abstract Due to the recent overpopulation of urban cities, land shortage and soaring land prices have caused an increase in the demand for high-rise buildings. To build buildings on a limited land, the size of the building is important. Displacement control by horizontal loads in a skyscraper is critical to securing stability and usability of structures. Several systems have been proposed for efficient horizontal displacement control, and so far the study continues. Among them, the Outrigger System is a representative of the typical horizontal load resistance system. Although studies have been conducted so far to locate the optimal position of the outrigger, studies of the slenderness ratio of the buildings are still insufficient. Based on the Outrigger-Optimized Position equation, this study induces the calculation of the displacement of the outrigger installation building according to the slenderness ratio.