Title Evaluation on Residential Environment of Purchased Rental Housing
Authors Cho, Seung-Yeoun ; Kwon, Hyuk-sam ; Hyun, Chang-guk ; Cheong, Jae-Jin
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2018.34.4.3
Page pp.3-10
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords Purchased Rental Housing ; Residential Environment ; Evaluation ; Field Survey
Abstract The purpose of this study is to evaluate the residential environment by indicators of internal and external conditions of Purchased Rental Housings (PRH). In this study, we conducted a field survey on 200 units of PRH to evaluate the residental environment located in Seoul, Incehon, Kyounggi, Daejeon, Busan and Daegu. As a result, the residential environment of PRH is managed as above average at most indicators. Partly parking areas and fire-fighting facilities are need to be improved for safety and health. It is considered that the political goal of PRH, such as housing safety and stability for low-income class, is achieved by decent housings and appropriate maintenance. However, it is still necessary to improve its management system for sustainable and safe residential environments