Title A Critical Understanding of 'Juchegeonchuk' in North Korea in the Late 20th Century: Focused on The Art of Architecture
Authors Seo, Myengsoo
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2018.34.6.39
Page pp.39-46
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords Juchegeonchuk (self-reliance ideology in architecture) ; The North Korean Architecture ; The Art of Architecture ; Critical Understanding
Abstract This research scrutinizes the concept of 'Juchegeonchuk' (self-reliance ideology in architecture), which is a key concept to understand the architecture and urbanism of North Korea in the 1970's and 80's. In the 1970's and 80's, Kim Jong-il began to appear in politics in earnest after Kim Il-sung appointed Kim Jong-il as Kim Il-sung's successor to the next generation. There have been many previous studies about 'Juchesasang' (self-reliance ideology) in various fields, except in architecture. On the other hand, the in-depth research into Juchegeonchuk, which was a method to strengthen Juchesasang, was not good enough in architecture. In this sense, this research investigates the concept of Juchegeonchuk based on the Geonchugyesullon (The Art of Architecture), which embodied the thought of architecture and culture of Kim Jong-il published in 1992. This research scrutinizes the idea of Juchegeonchuk on The Art of Architecture, and its representation in architecture and urbanism in Pyeongyang based on the idea of Juchegeonchuk. It enables to find a new interpretation of North Korea's architecture introduced by Kim, Jong-il in the late 20th century.