Title Improvements of the Public Pedestrian Passage in the Apartment Complex from Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Aspect
Authors Lee, Seung-Ji
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2018.34.6.135
Page pp.135-142
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords Public pedestrian passage ; Apartment complex ; CPTED ; 3-D Approach
Abstract A public pedestrian passage induces traffic into the apartment complex, and therefore, it requires the application of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design(CPTED). This paper aims to analyze the conditions and to suggest the improvements of public pedestrian passages in apartment complexes, applying a 3-D approach from CPTED aspect. The first aspect is "Designation": 1)The linkage between the public pedestrian passages is weak, and their designated purpose becomes unclear. 2)When the designated purpose is not considered for each complex, the closure rate is high. 3)The closure rate of the "Through type" is high. It suggests that the pedestrian network should be built and vitalized at the local urban level. The second aspect is "Definition." The public pedestrian passage lacks a social, cultural, and legal definition and only has a passive physical definition. It suggests that a legal definition and specialized guildline be prepared. The third aspect is "Design": 1)Insufficient territoriality exists between the public pedestrian passage and the inside of the complex. Territoriality should be reinforced between the public pedestrian passage and the rest of the internal territory. 2)The landscaping adjacent to the public pedestrian passage lacks deliberation. Since this is where safety and privacy collide, detailed design and maintenance of the landscaping is required. 3)It lacks systematical crime prevention facilities and should compensate accordingly.