Title An Analysis of Rem Koolhaas' Preservation Theory and Remodeling Design Strategies
Authors Joo, Ha-Na ; Lee, Tonghoon
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2018.34.7.69
Page pp.69-78
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords Rem Koolhaas ; OMA ; Preservation Theory ; Remodeling ; Program ; Integration
Abstract The purpose of this article is: firstly, to survey architect Rem Koolhaas' preservation theory by reviewing his essays, books, exhibitions, and research projects focusing on preservation-related issues; and secondly, to formally analyse OMA's remodeling projects from 1970's to the present. From this analysis, this article tries to classify OMA's remodeling projects into four distinct categories and to establish, respectively, four generally-applicable remodeling strategies: 1)'Interior-oriented', 2)'Juxtaposition', 3)'Infill' and 4)'Cohesion.' Finally, this article argues that these remodeling strategies can be interpreted as a consistent pursuit of integration of various programmatic elements.