Title Parametric Analysis of Building Energy Impact of Semi-transparent PV
Authors Kwak, In-Kyu ; Mun, Sun-Hye ; Huh, Jung-Ho
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_SC.2018.34.7.35
Page pp.35-42
ISSN 1226-9107
Keywords Building Energy ; Renewable Energy ; Building-integrated photovoltaics(BIPV) ; Semi-transparent BIPV(STPV)
Abstract Semi-transparent Photovoltaics (STPV) works as an exterior material replacing windows as well as functioning as a electricity generator. As a result, it also affects the building's heating, cooling and lighting loads. In this study, we used the concept of Net Electricity Benefit(NEB) to conduct a parametric analysis of building energy impact of STPV. The NEB of STPV is from ?1 kWh/m2 to 6 kWh/m2. Since NEB represents the amount of energy increase or decrease when STPV is applied compared to the standard window, a value of 0 or less means that the demand for building energy can be increased rather than applying a general window having high thermal performance and high visible light transmittance value. Therefore, it is necessary to perform a comprehensive performance evaluation considering both the performance evaluation based on the existing power generation performance and the influence on the building energy.