Title Annual Intensities (2016-2017) Analysis of Energy Use and CO2 Emission by End Use Based on Measurements of Sample Office Building
Authors Lim, Han-Young ; Lim, Su-Hyun ; Jin, Hye-Sun ; Kim, Sung-Im ; Lee, Soo-Jin ; Lim, Jae-Han ; Song, Seung-Yeong
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_SC.2018.34.8.19
Page pp.19-27
ISSN 1226-9107
Keywords Office building ; Measurement ; Energy use intensity by end use ; CO2 emission intensity by end use
Abstract In this study, annual site and primary energy use intensities (EUIs) and CO2 emission intensities (CEIs) per area by end use were estimated based on the measurement data from June 2016 to May 2017 of 19 sample office buildings in Seoul. In addition, the estimated site EUIs by end use were compared to the U.S. Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey (CBECS) 2012 data. Average site EUIs by end use were found to be in the order of electric appliance (typical floors) > heating > cooling > lighting > air movement > domestic hot water > vertical transportation > city water supply. In the case of primary EUIs and CEIs by end use, electric appliance was found to be the largest. As results of comparison with the CBECS 2012 data, it was found that the site EUIs were similar for heating, cooling, domestic hot water, and electric appliance, etc., but slightly different for lighting and air movement. The number of sample office buildings will continue to increase until 2020 (total number of samples 85) and intensities data by end use will be continuously updated through continuous collection of measurement data.