Title A Study on Improvement of Local Government Disaster Management System in Korea - Focused on Strengthening the Disaster Management Capacity of Local Government -
Authors Hong, Ji-Wan
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2018.34.9.21
Page pp.21-30
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords Natural Disaster ; Local Government ; Disaster Management ; Disaster Countermeasure ; Disaster Recovery
Abstract This study aims for improving the system in Disaster Management of Local Government. In addition, the overall disaster management system was compared to the effectiveness of the disaster prevention system and reliability, and problems and improvement points were derived. The disaster management system in Korea has a structure that promptly investigates and restores damage by a simple procedure. Korea disaster management system manages information on top-down structural disasters through the flow of prevention, preparation, response, and recovery. The process from disaster response to recovery under the leadership of the central disaster safety headquarters is simplified. Disaster management tasks are dispersed among departments, making it difficult to respond promptly. Under the control of the central government, disaster management, such as disaster prevention, investigation, and recovery, are carried out. The disaster management improvement direction of the local government should establish the disaster response system focusing on the local government. Therefore, it is necessary to have budget to operate the organization - centered disaster management budget and the disaster management organization. The disaster response manual should be prepared considering the disaster environment and disaster prevention plan. In order to utilize disaster information, it is necessary to reorganize information system such as integrate and streamline of the private resource database and NDMS.