Title The Characteristics of Flexibility applied to Unit Plan of Housing by Residents Participation - focusing on European Multi-story Housing applying Residents Participation -
Authors Kim, Hyun-Ju
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2018.34.11.113
Page pp.113-123
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords Flexibility ; Variability ; Adaptability ; Resident's participation ; Unit plan
Abstract First of all, the multi-story Housing applying resident's participation in europe was classified by the menu selection method, the two-step supply method and the cooperative method. And then I analyzed flexible unit plan of cases for deriving the planning methode and the characteristics of flexibility. First, I analyzed the area and form of the unit plan, structure and Installation, fixed and variable elements to derive the planning method. The area of units are distributed from a minimum of 35m² to a maximum of 150m², and many of the unit planes have a narrow front and a deep depth. The structure is a long-span wall-structure or a skeleton structure, and is designed without any columns and bearing walls in the interior space for flexibility in spatial composition. The vertical shafts are located in the center of the unit in a box-form or in the corner at the unit dividing wall for free placement of interior wall. Fixed elements are framework and facility systems. Most of the future residents in the two-steps supply method and the cooperative method were able to freely design the internal space within the zoning concept proposed by the architect and change the location of the facade element within module system proposed by the architect. Second, the characteristics of the flexibility applied to the unit plan were divided in integrated flexibility, functional flexibility, construction flexibility, and supply flexibility. The integrated flexibility enables residents to give the variable space combination based on the complex structure of the inner space for providing various living experiences. Regarding functional flexibility, the three-dimensional spatial structure with neutral space has multi-functionality according to the needs of residents and easily accepts mixing of hybrid programs such as work and residence. Constructive flexibility allows residents to create identity by freely planning interior space and changing the size or location of facade components in a determined system of architects. Finally, various types of size and space composition are proposed and realized in the whole building applying menu selection method, so that flexibility in the offer can accommodate and integrate various types of living.