Title The Architecture of Movement Considered in the Viewpoint of Communicative Space - A Case Study of Zaha Hadid's Design Theory and Practice -
Authors Seo, Jeongil
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2018.34.11.125
Page pp.125-134
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords Design Theory ; Communicative Space ; Communicative Movement ; Architecture of Movement ; Spatial Integrity ; Vesely ; Hadid
Abstract This study examines Dalibor Vesely's theoretical proposition of communicative space and tries to develop it through a review of the contemporary architectural case. Vesely poses a critical question about communication: how do the situational conditions of our everyday life and the spatial characteristics of the natural world in which we live communicate through representation. He emphasizes the spatial and situational conditions and the role of representation in communication, arguing that architecture should create the formation of communicative space to restore its primary role as the corporeal foundation of culture. This study thus focuses on one of the critical concepts of his theory: "the communicative movement," which is, according to him, ontological and situational because it animates and transforms human circumstances as a whole. Further, it pursues some practical knowledge of creating the communicative space, by examining the design theory and practice of Zaha Hadid, who thematizes communication and movement in her architectural approach. This study analyses the different levels of representation and modes of movement in her architectural space to reveal the possibilities and limits of its communicative roles. We will find that the representation of Hadid's architectural space is not the formal representation of reality, but a mathematical and projective representation of abstract concepts. Despite its apparent aesthetic consistency, the inward and self-referential relation between the individual elements of the architectural space reveals its limit for the communicative space.