Title A Study on Sexual Life Space of the Head Family Housing in Andong based on Women's Oral Life History
Authors Kang, Miseon ; Lee, Ye-Ju
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2018.34.12.123
Page pp.123-134
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords Women ; Oral Life History ; Family Life ; Sexual Life ; the Head Family Housing
Abstract The purpose of this study was to analyze the space of upper class housing in Andong through the oral life history of women in terms of sexual life. Even though the living was centered on women, the women of Joseon were alienated from the history. For this reason, the life history of head family housing was not recorded in the language of women, and often passed on orally. Also sexual life is a important part in daily life, but it is hard to be recorded or mentioned in Confucian society, and there is not much space research related to sexual life. Now there is not a lot of head family housing left, and the number of people who can tell the life history which is not recorded and the storyteller is also decreasing. From now on, I will record what I have experienced or passed through interviews of the residents living in head family housing and then analyze the characteristics of the sexual life.