Title Dialectical Interpretation regarding the Concept of Preservation and Restoration - With a focus on Eugene-Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc, John Ruskin, and Camillo Boito -
Authors Kim, Tae-Hyung ; Kim, Young-Jae
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2018.34.12.135
Page pp.135-144
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords Historical Epistemology ; Conservation ; Restoration ; Eugene-Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc ; Johm Ruskin ; Camillo Boito
Abstract This paper deals with preservation and restoration as a universal approach to conserve architectural heritage. The questions on how to preserve or restore them have been always major issues for many old buildings. Reading changes in ways of the thinking to solve such matters in the past helps to grasp the fundamental concepts to conserve cultural heritage at this point in time. The method is an important stage that leads to change our current attitude. Both the ways of the thinking for preservation and restoration should be re-interpreted to preserve memory or to restore identity depending on the current situation, and even should no longer be understood as two opposite options. Therefore, this paper focuses on the epistemological notion and reveals the origin and premise of modern historical perception that has become disconnected from the past works. By taking the writings of Eugene-Emmanuel Viollet le Duc, John Ruskin, and Camillo Boito into consideration, the thesis shows that their thought, in the common denominator of the time, is a kind of reflection of consciousness according to particular historical contexts and that their ideas echo three dialectical paradigms derived from past and present, memory and forgetfulness, and history and truth.