Title |
Analysis of Color Combination with Value Variation on Signboards in Complex Commercial Facilities |
https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2019.35.1.83 |
Keywords |
Complex Commercial Facility ; Signboard ; Color Combination ; Value Variation ; Visibility ; Selective Affinity |
Abstract |
Advertising signboards are designed for the visibility to affects recall and recognition of costumers. It is well know that the visibility from images is created by the value difference among colors. The research defines whether the background color combination of outdoor signboards is configured to maximize visibility, by a series of color value variation in complex commercial facilities. The subject of study is to examine how the visibility is made by the color combination since visibility cannot be obtained independently. Two steps of analysis were performed to confirm that the color composition of signboards was based on the color value difference. The first is to analyze that the entire colors of signboards are clearly categorized as different value groups. All components of colors, hue, value and chroma had been analyzed by color aesthetic measures to prove that the value variation has the only regularity and the principle of composition. The second step is a further verification with an ample amount of samples to determine whether series of signboards create a value altering pattern. The data for analysis is gained by colorimetric survey and the color data are used for exponentializing the degree of combining, which shows selective affinity between each pair colors. |