Title A Study on Characteristics of a Plot Plan and a Floor Plan of Modern Private Housing Architecture in Gunsan
Authors Kim, Jong-Sung ; Bae, Jin-A
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2019.35.2.43
Page pp.43-52
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords Modern Private Housing Architecture in Gunsan ; Space ; Plot Plan ; Floor Plan
Abstract The purpose of this study is to classify the building layout and plan types according to the urban location, use and function of civil and to analyze the characteristics by the type classified. After constructing a framework (Mathia type, Nagaya type, Detached House type) for analyzing Modern Private Housing Architecture in Gunsan, the research was conducted on 30 representative buildings, and a plot plan, a floor plan and elevation were created. After analyzing the relationship between the lot of land and the urban street, we classified the type of arrangement into Mathia type and Nagaya type which directly enter the building from the road, and derived the Detached House type which indirectly enters from the road. When we look at the use of the derived arrangement types, most of the Mathia type are commercial and residential buildings, and some of them are specially designed for commercial buildings. The Nagaya type appears in the form of commercial and residential house or residential private house, and the Detached House type is classified as residential style. As a relation with the urban street, the Mathia type and the Nagaya type are generally located on the main urban street, whereas the Detached House type is located on the small urban street. As a result of analyzing, the floor plan was changed according to the plot plan. The plan of the Mathia and Nagaya type are arranged to enter directly from the street, with commercial space being mainly located on the street, and the residential space being composed on the back or the second floor. the plan of the Detached House is a type that enters indirectly into the interior through a separate space (Courtyard), and forms an organic space between the residential interior and the front and rear yard. The purpose of this study is to investigate the Characteristics of a plot plan and a floor plan of Modern Private Housing Architecture in Gunsan by means of analysis considering the urban street, Uses of buildings, Construction method and the yard through actual measurement.