Title Analysis of the Vacant Spaces Occurrence and Areal Characteristics in Old Hillside Residential Area - Focused on hillside residential areas surrounding old downtown in Busan -
Authors Jung In-A ; Woo Shin-Koo
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2019.35.2.115
Page pp.115-125
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords Old Hillside Residential Area ; Vacant Space ; Empty House ; Vacant Space Characteristics
Abstract The purpose of this study is to analyze the occurrence characteristics of vacant spaces in the old hillside residential area, focused on 7 areas surrounding old downtown in Busan. This study suggests 3 stages of analysis as following. First, after the overall site survey on the vacant spaces in 7 old hillside residential areas in Busan, this study identifies the difference of types of vacant spaces according to each area. Second, based upon precedent researches, this study set up 3 perspectives and 9 analysis indices to investigate the areal characteristics of vacant space occurrence. Third, through the GIS analysis on the vacant spaces, this study tries to analyze the physical, commercial and social/institutional conditions of the areas in order to disclose the areal characteristics of vacant spaces occurrence.