Title The Method for Analyzing Potentially Collapsible Aged Buildings Using Big Data and its Application to Seoul
Authors Lim, Hae-Yeon ; Park, Cheol-Yeong ; Cho, Sung-Hyeon ; Lee, Ghang
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2019.35.2.139
Page pp.139-146
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords Aged Building ; Collapsibility ; Big Data ; Urban Safety
Abstract The purpose of this study is to derive an improved method for analyzing old buildings with risk of collapse using public big data. Previous studies on the risk of building collapse focused on internal factors such as building age and structural vulnerability. However, this study suggests a method to derive potentially collapsible buildings considering not only internal factors of buildings but also external factors such as nearby new construction data. Based on the big data analysis, this study develops a system to visualize vulnerable buildings that require safety diagnosis and proposed a future utilization plan.