Title Interaction Evaluation of Maintenance Management Organization Affecting Satisfaction of Users in Helpdesk Service of Buildings
Authors Kwak, Ro-Yeul ; Kwon, Suh-Hyun ; Chun, Chung-Yoon
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_SC.2019.35.4.193
Page pp.193-200
ISSN 1226-9107
Keywords Helpdesk service ; Building User ; Maintenance Management Organization ; Service quality ; Interaction
Abstract Maintenance services provided to users in buildings are not sufficient simply to provide them, but it is necessary to provide them with a service system that can accurately identify and respond to users' needs. This study analyzed the relationship between user satisfaction with the helpdesk service corresponding to the building claim and the quality of service of the maintenance organization to identify the interaction between the user and the maintenance organization in the building. We then examined whether there were significant differences between the buildings in terms of variables in the helpdesk service that affect the user's satisfaction. It was also presented as a measure of the quality of service of the SERVQUAL tool to assess the potential for building maintenance response strategies. Research shows that each building has a helpdesk service item that is significant in user satisfaction and empathy has emerged in a typical dimension as SERVQUAL dimension.