Title Transcendental Abstraction in Non-geometric Contemporary Architecture
Authors Cho, Yong-Soo
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2019.35.5.107
Page pp.107-116
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords transcendental ; abstraction ; schema ; Deleuze ; contemporary architecture ; non-geometric
Abstract Non-geometric shapes in contemporary architecture was explained from the transcendental schema of Deleuze with his abstraction theory. In this explanation, the intensity, the movement and change and the sublime were suggested as the expressional elements of the transcendental abstraction related with the artistic sensation of architecture. First, the intensity as a power of sensation which acts to the body before the recognition of brain is mainly expressed with the movement of curved lines of architectural space. Second, the movement of change is expressed as the de-centralized and de-formalized nomadic curve as the line in architectural ‘smooth space’ which has unrestrained orientations. Third, the sublime is expressed in the hugeness, enormousness or sometimes uncanny in void space, which could be contradictively mixed with senses of displeasure and pleasure. The sublime feelings in architecture can be emerging by rationally overcoming the unpleasant senses of contradictive spaces in architecture or urban fabric. This study has explained those expressional elements with the architectural works of Steven Holl, Frank Gehry and Zaha Hadid.