Title Factory Production Management of Modular Units Using MFD 2019
Authors Lee, Doo-Yong ; Nam, Sung-Hoon ; Lee, Jae-Sub ; Jung, Dam-I ; Kim, Kyoung-rai ; Cho, Bong-Ho
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_SC.2019.35.6.139
Page pp.139-146
ISSN 1226-9107
Keywords Modular Factory ; Production Management ; Factory Design ; Software
Abstract The modular building system is a type of prefabricated construction method, and is an industrialized building system that transports, assembles, and completes a three-dimensional module manufactured in a factory to the site. The economics of a modular building system where 50 to 80% of the entire process takes place in a modular factory is dominated by productivity of the factory manufacturing process. Since the building of the module is finished by the combination of unit parts produced by each material, it is necessary to manage the process in each module unit. However, currently marketed process control programs do not reflect the features of these modular methods. In this paper, we introduce Modular Factory Design software(MFD 2019) that can make modular unit production plan which reflects production base(modular factory) and production target(application and number of modular units). In order to verify software compatibility and reliability, two production plans with different production methods were formulated and simulated.