Title A Study on Demand Function of Customized Cloud BIM Service
Authors Jung, Sung-Ho ; Lee, Byung-Soo ; Choi, Yoon-Ki
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2019.35.7.53
Page pp.53-61
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords Customized Cloud; Building Information Modeling; System Features; Madical facility; Delphi Survey; Focus Group Interview
Abstract Cloud BIM, which incorporates cloud computing technology and BIM technology, is increasingly used in construction. In particular, the recent trend of cloud services in IT field is to provide customized cloud services according to the characteristics of users. These changes are also linked to the cloud BIM, which is emerging in the construction industry. However, cloud BIM researches and commercial technologies that are currently underway do not reflect these trends, and they provide services through generalized management functions in construction projects. In order to solve these problems, a new type of customized cloud BIM service is needed that can provide cloud services by reflecting the characteristics of the project, customization based on the user's work, and providing the knowledge service. Therefore, this study aims to derive the system requirement function that should be preceded for implementing the customized cloud BIM service, and the target project is selected as the medical facility.