Title An Analysis of Facade Panel Characteristics of UN Studio’s Office Projects
Authors Ko, Sung Hak
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2019.35.8.23
Page pp.23-34
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords UN Studio; Office; Facade; Panel Design; Indoor Environment; Environmental Analysis
Abstract The facade, a fundamental function as a skin that protects human life from external environment such as cold and hot weather, snow, rain, and wind, etc, has served as a media for communication between indoor space of the building and outside space. From the media for communication point of view, the approach to envelope design, in which environmental elements are transmitted internally through the filtering of external environments, has been evolving in various ways from the past to the present. Today, modern architecture technologies including curtain wall systems and user-friendly computer programming and environmental analysis programs demonstrate a differentiated approach to envelope design related to the indoor environment. For this reason, it is worth noting that the envelope design factors and trends that appear variously in the UNStudio’s projects before and after the 2000s. The factors reflected in the envelop design in conjunction with the indoor environment obtained through the case study of the UNStudio’s office projects were daylight environment, thermal environment, ventilation, noise, privacy and view, and consideration for daylight environment and thermal environment was reflected in many cases through the case study. Looking at the changes in the diagrams in order of year, it can be seen that the envelope design using the environmental analysis tool has been performed since 2006. This is a clue to show the envelop design changes from the conceptual method to the data-based one. The diagrams and analysis results related to the envelop design showed that the thermal environment related to solar radiation was the most, and no diagrams and analysis related to the indoor illumination were found. Since 2010, PV panel installation has been shown in the envelope design, which can be found in the increased efficiency of PV panels due to the technological advances and the decrease in production cost.