Title A Study on the Progression Characteristics of Gentrification by Region through Analyzing the Change of Permit and Location Patterns of the Food Service Businesses
Authors Kim, Su-young ; Choi, Jaepil
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2019.35.8.111
Page pp.111-122
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords Commercial Gentrification; Food Service Business; Franchise; Seochon; Ikseon; Bigdata; QGIS
Abstract The purpose of this study was to understand the timing of Gentrification by the study through the analysis of licensing data for food service businesses under the correlation with regional policies and systems. In addition, by analyzing the change in location patterns of the food service business in the district unit plan zones, the cause, development patterns and regional differences were identified. Starting with the Seoul hanok declaration in 2008, the approval of the food service business began to increase, and the floating population increased with the restoration of the Suseong Valley in 2012, and the concentration of food service business increased significantly on the waterway (Jahamun-ro 7-gil). Since the designation of Ikseon-dong as an urban environment readjustment zone in 2004, the approval of new food service business has been very low until around 2014, when the cooperative establishment committee is dissolved, and as the district unit plan for the preservation of hanok and regional management is being established, the number of new permits has exploded to date and restaurants in hanok conservation zones has been active.