Title Evaluation on Calculation Algorithms for Polycrystalline Silicon PV Module Surface Temperatures by Varying External Factors during the Summer Period
Authors Jung, Dong-Eun ; Yeom, Gyuhwan ; Lee, Chanuk ; Do, Sung-Lok
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_SC.2019.35.8.177
Page pp.177-184
ISSN 1226-9107
Keywords Photovoltaic System; Module Surface Temperature; Weather Data
Abstract Recently, electric power usages and peak loads from buildings are increasing due to higher outdoor air temperatures and/or abnormal climate during the summer period. As one of the eco-friendly measures, a renewable energy system has been received much attention. Particularly, interest on a photovoltaic (PV) system using solar energy has been rapidly increasing in a building sector due to its broad applicability. In using the PV system, one of important factors is the PV efficiency. The normal PV efficiency is determined based on the STC(Standard Test Condition) and the NOCT(Nominal Operating Cell Temperature) performance test. However, the actual PV efficiency is affected by the temperature change at the module surface. Especially, higher module temperatures generally reduce the PV efficiency, and it leads to less power generation from the PV system. Therefore, the analysis of the relation between the module temperature and PV efficiency is required to evaluate the PV performance during the summer period. This study investigates existing algorithms for calculating module surface temperatures and analyzes resultant errors with the algorithms by comparing the measured module temperatures.