Title Estimation of the Setting Time of the High Flowing Concrete Using Durometer
Authors Han, Min-Cheol ; Shin, Yong-Sub ; Han, In-Deok
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_SC.2019.35.9.143
Page pp.143-150
ISSN 1226-9107
Keywords Penetration Resistance Tester; Durometer; Setting Time; Mortar; High Flowing Concrete
Abstract The purpose of this study was to propose how to determine the setting time related to the determination of the surface finish working time of the concrete using a Durometer, which is used as a rubber hardness meter. Two different types of Durometer were used to measure the setting time of the concrete. High flowing concrete with 40% of water to binder ratio was fabricated maintaining 600±100 mm of slump flow. The test results indicated that the application of the Durometer resulted in a high correlation with the penetration resistance tester in both mortar and concrete. When measuring the setting time of the concrete, with properly used with Durometer, evaluation of the setting time of the concrete can be available. Therefore, it is thought that the measurement of the final set of the durometer C type can be useful to decide the limit time of the finishing operation and the time of the rejuvenation of the curing process by measuring the finishing set at 40 HD in the case of the initial set and 10 HD in the case of D type.