Title Shear Strength Evaluation in Masonry Assemblages by Reinforcing Materials in Joint
Authors Woo, Jong-Hun ; Shin, Kyung-Jae ; Lee, Jun-Seop ; Han, Seung-Yun
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_SC.2019.35.9.191
Page pp.191-198
ISSN 1226-9107
Keywords Diagonal Shear Test; Shear Stress; Shear Modulus of Elasticity
Abstract All over the Republic of Korea, there are many masonry buildings which have been built since 1970s. When the earthquake at Po-Hang occurred, this is the main cause of huge damage because the masonry buildings have not seismic capacity. When masonry buildings are failed, two type of the failure modes can be shown, which are in-plane mode and out-plane mode. In-plane mode can have seismic capacity in masonry so diagonal shear test is performed in this study. The purpose of this study was to find the best way to reinforce the materials through the diagonal shear test. Through the test, shear stress and shear modulus of elasticity will be calculated, referred to the ASTM E 519-02. The variables in this test are 3 wire, three types of wire meshes, polypropylene strap and different types of brick. Each variable is applied to the same condition of the 1.2m × 1.2m masonry walls which are made by ASTM E 519-02. Compared to each variable with shear stress and shear modulus of elasticity, the best way of reinforcing method to have seismic capacity will be proved in this study.